Premium: $719.88 + Tax per year *
- One complimentary slot in the private wine locker.
- Membership valid at all Mickey Blake's locations.
- Private Humidified locker (if available) $149.99 additional per year. Non-refundable.
- All memberships can be converted to monthly payments after the first year.
Aficionado: $959.88 + Tax per year **
- 15% discount on anything in the store.
- Two complimentary slots in the private wine locker.
- One standard sized humidified locker with personalized name plate and key.
- Membership valid at all Mickey Blake's locations.
- All memberships can be converted to monthly payments after the first year.
* After the first year. Members may choose to pay $59.99 + Tax per month.
** After the first year. Members may choose to pay $79.99 + Tax per month.
For more information on pricing, or memberships. Please fill out the form below. If you are a ready to join, Please return to our "enroll in membership" link before payment.